Dahlia was certain she had found true love and met her "Once in a Lifetime’ when she reconnected with River. But Dahlia’s world comes crashing down when someone from her past resurfaces, and all of River’s carefully hidden secrets are exposed.
River wants to show Dahlia that life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass—it’s about dancing in the rain. But how many times can one broken heart be mended? Will River and Dahlia be able to stay together or will they be torn apart?
Torn by Kim Karr has me beyond words! This is certainly one of those books you can't put down!!
London has it all together so it seems, she thinks her path is right I
front of her until one day it all gets turned upside down. Truths and
those pesky "I was doing it to protect you" sometimes come when you
least expect them. What happens when the first sparks a huge fire, how
can you possibly get out unscathed?
While growing up Dhalia led a
complex life dealing with sadness surrounding the death of her parents.
Then coming to grips with losing the man you thought to be your soul
mate. In walks what is your future, River Wilde. River is packed
with100% sexiness and dripping in gorgeous. Who knew she could be so
incredibly attracted to him, and better yet who knew how amazing he was.
But even with all that amazing there are secrets.
Will these
secrets prove to be too much for either or them to handle and what do
they mean for the future. I loved all the emotion this book brought with
it. You get so emotionally invested in not only River and Dahlia but
their crazy intertwined life.
I am I love with these two and the book leaves me hungry for more. I look forward to more when Mended comes out!
Kim Karr you are still a rock star in my mind!!
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Click on picture to be taken to Spotify Playlist |

River’s POV
Chapter 2 of CONNECTED
Connections #1 by Kim Karr
© 2013 by Kim Karr
Published by the Penguin Group
Release date: May 2013
The set ends so I walk over behind
Garrett to lean my guitar against the wall. I pull
my shirt up to wipe the sweat off my forehead. It’s hotter than shit in here
and I need a drink. Garrett laughs, tipping his head back to swallow the beer
he somehow already has.
“You going to grab a drink? I’ll take
another,” he says as he downs the rest of his beer. “And, dude, wear this.
Seriously man, your hair looks like shit,” he says throwing his beanie at me.
I move closer and shove him a little and put
the hat on my head. “Shut the fuck up, you should talk.”
I hop off the stage and my
sister rushes over to me. “River, I need you to take me home as soon as the
last set is over. I have someone meeting me back at my apartment.”
I shake my head, knowing it
must be a guy. “Yeah yeah, I will Bell, but really can’t you get a boyfriend
that has some manners? You know, like actually picks his date up and maybe even
takes her out? And at a decent hour?”
She rolls her eyes. “All
guys aren’t like you, big brother. Nice beanie,” she teases before disappearing
back into the crowd.
As I walk through the
jam-packed room, some brunette chick I think looks familiar asks me if I want
to grab a drink in private. I kindly refuse, telling her I need to refuel
before my next set. She’s still talking when I motion toward the bar to signal
that I’m moving away. As my eyes flash across the bar, they’re suddenly drawn
to a beautiful girl standing against it. And she’s looking directly at me.
I start walking toward her,
leaving behind the brunette who is still talking. As I stare at the beautiful
girl, I think, “I want her.” Tall,
slim, long blonde hair that’s pulled away from her face. But it’s her eyes that
get me—the way she’s looking at me. Shit, I’ve talked to about a dozen chicks
tonight, but she is the only one who has me interested.
As I stare back at her I’m
feeling like she’s not just any girl. Not just a girl to have sex with. I’m actually having a fucking conversation
with myself. I can’t figure out what’s going on in my own head.
I try not to smile, but I
know she’s checking me out. Fuck, why’d I
put this hat on? I quickly pull it off and comb my fingers through my hair.
I can’t take my eyes off her and I feel like I want to knock everyone out of my
way to get to her.
When I finally reach the
bar, I stand right in front of her. For some weird reason I feel the urge to
touch her, but instead I shove my hands in my pockets. She’s smiling at me and
I smile right back. This girl is hot. Her eyes still haven’t left mine this
whole time, so I decide to break the ice by calling her out. “Were you staring
at me?”
She pouts her lips and
rolls her eyes. Shit, that look gets me.
“No, I was just looking for my friend while I
waited on my drinks. You just happened to be in my line of vision.”
I stifle my laugh and say, “That look was hot.” I want to
say, “You’re hot,” but I don’t—not yet anyway.
I can tell she’s trying not to laugh. If she does, I know I
have her. Her phone rings and her smile fades. “Why would you think I was
looking at you, anyway?”
The person beside her walks away and I secure my place next
to her. I toss my hat on the counter and lean against the bar, my eyes never
leaving hers. I answer in the most honest way I can. “Because I was staring at you, hoping you
were staring back.”
I don’t want to fuck this up so I decide to be the guy Bell
always tells me I am—the
guy with manners. Then I say what I should have said first.
“With all this talk about who was staring at whom I think we forgot the basics,
I’m River,” I say as I extend my hand.
She reaches hers out. Hey,
I get to touch her. But she quickly pulls her hand back before I get to
grasp it and accidentally knocks a dude’s beer over. The asshole gives her a
dirty look and swears. I know I have to step in because this guy is out of line.
I gently guide her out of my way and try to control myself as I say, “Sorry
man, just an accident, but let me buy you another.” I hand him a ten, “Buy
two.” I hope he takes the money and leaves. Lucky for him he does, because
otherwise I might deck him.
I turn around to find the girl smiling at me and sliding one
of her beers my way. I start to drink it and she says, “Thank you, that guy
sure as shit wasn’t happy with me. In fact he kind of acted like an asshole.” I
can’t help but laugh mid-sip, almost spitting the beer out of my mouth. Not cool.
Not able to resist any longer, I run my finger over her
smooth bare shoulder and lock my eyes on hers. “You’re more than welcome.”
She just barely shudders and steps back. I’m pretty sure
she’s interested in me so I step closer, not wanting to break our connection. “Now,
where were we? Do we need to start over?” I ask, looking into her eyes.
“We were introducing
ourselves,” she says smiling.
“Okay, so let’s try
again. I’m River and you are . . .?”
“I’m not sure you
need to know that information right now. I’m kind of thinking you might be a
stalker,” she teases.
I laugh. I’m all about game playing but I’m not ready to
play. I really want to get to know this girl, and I’m pretty sure the feeling
is mutual, so I avoid dropping the canned line I might have used on another
girl and say, “You’re not serious, are you beautiful girl?”
What inspired you to write Connected and Torn?
The night The Voice premiered on NBC in April 2011, I watched it
and fell in love with the show and Adam Levine. I started to think about his
journey with Maroon 5 and the number of years it took him to gain fame. I had
been thinking about writing a book but hadn’t come up with a storyline that
intrigued me enough. For some reason, that night the story of Dahlia, River,
and Ben came to mind. The name of book was different as well as character
names, but the plot never veered. I always intended for these two books to be a
duet and the ending of Connected was the very first thing I wrote.
Discuss your inspiration for Dahlia, Ben, River. How did they
Character inspiration for Connected evolved as soon as the
concept of the book came alive in my mind, I knew I wanted a strong heroine and
two heroes that loved her but in different ways. I created the characters from
within, who they were, and then conveyed their personalities and appearances to
the reader.
In my head, Dahlia had to be strong to weather the circumstances
life threw her way, but I wanted her to be funny and loving with quirks and
Ben’s personality, as well as his name, actually transpired from
a character on a TV show I used to watch years ago. The character on the show
was an avid basketball player and swimmer, but since Dahlia and Ben lived near
the beach, I decided he should be a surfer. A surfer who has difficulty expressing his feelings, hasty
in decision making, temperamental, and contemplative, somewhat of a contrast to
Dahlia. But, Ben has true depth and sensitivity that Dahlia admires.
River’s character didn’t transpire as much—he just happened. He
is who I would consider to be the perfect guy. I took all the traits I love and
admire about men and lumped them into him.
Did you plan for your first book to turn into a series?
Yes I did. Just as I planned
Connected and Torn to be a duet, my original plan was The Connections Series
would consist of three duets for a total of six books. I have since changed my
mind and the remaining books in the series will be stand alones. Of course they
are part of a series and all characters will appear in all books.
You left Connected hanging with a major cliffhanger—will you do
that in your next books?
Since I wrote the end of Connected
before I wrote the beginning, I don’t regret the ending. Would I do again—absolutely!
Would I write another book with a cliffhanger hanging—that I’m not sure about!
Do you have a specific writing style?
I think all writers do. We have
a certain flow and sentence structure that rarely varies book to book. I
have already plotted out the remaining books in the Connections Series and I’ve
written the endings for each one.
What book are you reading now?
I try to keep up the latest releases as well as read releases in
my favorite series. When I’m writing it’s hard to read but I try to set aside
at least an hour a day.
What current project are you working on?
I am writing Mended. This is Xander’s Wilde story and his
brother does make an appearance.
What can readers look forward to in the future?
My plan is finish Mended then decide if The Connections Series
will consist of 5 or 6 books. I am considering cutting one. The book after
Mended is Frayed and I have already started that story. It was actually suppose
to be released before Mended but I changed my mind.
Please explain the importance of music to you in books. You said
something in your Author's note about how important it was to you in writing
and that the chapter titles have significance.
All chapters in my books are named after songs that inspired me.
Bob Marley said, “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no
pain.” As a listener, I couldn’t agree more. As a writer, I think it’s better
to say music is what feelings sound like when those feelings are written in
Music and writing are different, yet similar arts. They both
tell a story. They both convey emotion. Yet, one can be heard and the other seen. If you can write a story
and put music behind it, I believe you can convey feelings in a more impactful,
raw, and emotional way. When trying to express written emotions, the tone of a
certain song can allow the reader to feel the sentiments that the character is
I chose to have each chapter be titled by a song that best
represented the events occurring within. My goal is that the reader will listen
to the song before reading each chapter so they will feel the full impact of
the scene.
In the words of Billy Joel, “I think music in itself is healing.
It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by.
No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” I couldn’t agree
more. Listening to the lyrics of a song and truly understanding them tells such
a beautiful story. So, combining this with an emotional novel just helps bring
it to life.
Do you have any advice for other writers?
My advice to new writers: plan out your story before you begin.
It is so much easier to fill in the chapters than sit there with a blank screen
trying to figure out what to write. Also, reach out, make friends, share your
work, find a support group, and always have faith in your work.
WEBSITE | http://www.authorkimkarr. com/
FACEBOOK | http://www.facebook.com/ AuthorKimKarr
TWITTER | https://twitter.com/ authorkimkarr
EMAIL | authorkimkarr@gmail.com
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