Love and Lists is the first book in the Chocolate Lovers spin-off Chocoholics:
The foulmouthed offspring tell
their stories.
Twenty-five year old Gavin Ellis has always had the love and support of his family ever since he was a little boy and couldn't stop talking about his penis. He's also always had their unsolicited advice and uncanny knack of embarrassing him at all costs.
Now that he's an adult and trying to convince the love of his life to love him back, things haven't changed very much from when he was younger.
When Gavin's best friend Tyler suggests he make a todo
list of items that will ensure he wins the girl, Gavin is one hundred percent on board: after a few six packs.
After puking in the shrubs, a bad experience with Viagra, a SexEd course gone wrong, and a slew of other mishaps courtesy of his family and friends, Gavin is pretty sure this list will be the death of him.
Sometimes, trying to make someone love you with a list isn't always the best idea. Especially when "Show her your penis" is the first "todo" item...
OMG this was even better than I expected! Now if any of you have read the Chocolate Lovers Series, then you know who Gavin and Charlotte are. And they grew up exactly how I imaged them to be. What is great about this too is you get to see the whole gang from the Chocolate Lovers Series: Claire, Carter, Liz, Jim, Drew and Jenny!
Gavin, with the help of his best friend Tyler (just think a small step up from Drew), are trying to get the attention of Charlotte - his lifelong best friend and love of his life. Gavin thinks that Charlotte will always see him as her BFF and will never accept him as her boyfriend. So on a drunken night, Gavin and Tyler make up a list on how to win over Charlotte. Meanwhile Charlotte is flaunting her boyfriend around, making Gavin's life miserable.
Yet another book of Tara's that had me laughing to the point of crying. I can't wait to see what other adventures await the next generation of Chocoholics! 5 Gut Busting Laughing stars!
Today I am talking with one of my favorite people in the
whole wide world –
Welcome to my blog girl!
Everyone loves your Chocolate Lovers Series. I mean my
husband exiled me to the living room while I was reading the series in bed,
because I was laughing so hard. Was it an easy decision to continue the story
lines, following Gavin and the other kids as adults with Chocoholic Series?
It was NOT an easy decision! I really planned on saying goodbye to the
characters after Troubles and Treats.
Fans started emailing me a few months ago saying they would love to see
how Gavin turned out as an adult. I
didn’t think there was any way I could do this.
I mean, Gavin is based off of my son, who is 6 now. I’m not ready to imagine him as an
adult! I started drafting up a few ideas
just to see if I could do it and one idea turned into twenty and before I knew
it the story started writing itself.
Who else will we be seeing in this series?
will get to meet a new character, Tyler.
He is Gavin’s best friend from college and kind of a douche. But a loveable douche. And of course everyone’s favorites – Carter,
Claire, Liz, Jim, Jenny and Drew are all back to screw with the kids.
I know that you haven’t always been an author. What inspired
you to start writing?
Sitting in a cubicle every day, trying not
to jam a pen in my eye. When I started
spending more time writing than doing the work I was being paid for, I knew
something had to give. I was miserable
waking up every day going into an office.
It’s stifling. I’m not exactly a
quiet person and very rarely am I appropriate.
Writing made me happier than I ‘ve ever been. It’s amazing to wake up every day and be
excited about working.
What is your process for writing? You like music, quite?
Night time or while the kids are at school?
I really don’t have a process. I
have assistants now that are hopefully going to get me into a better process
soon, but right now I’m all over the place.
I never stop working. I’m always
on my laptop or my iPad. As soon as the
kids leave for school, I take everything out on my front porch and chain smoke
all day, usually forgetting to eat or shower.
Music is too distracting so it’s usually quiet. I live out in the middle of nowhere so I have
crickets and bullfrogs that help me write.
What are your rituals for release day?
Get drunk. Rock back and forth in the corner, quietly
weeping. With the past few releases,
we’ve taken the kids out to dinner and my husband makes me stop looking at my
phone for at least one hour.
Besides the Chocolate Series (comedic romance), you have a
few other series; Playing with Fire Series (a romantic/suspense series, which I
could not put down). Watch Over Me, that
I know is really dear to your heart. Are there any genres that you would like
to tackle?
I’ve toyed with the idea of doing something paranormal. But it would have to be funny. I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face if
I wrote about ghosts or zombies. In my
book, ghosts would talk about vaginas and zombies would get drunk.
Your schedule is INSANE!! I have been lucky enough to
stalk…um see you several times this year. You really connect with your fans.
You fangirl on them just as much as they do on you! Why is that so important to
It’s been a year and a half and I still can’t believe this is my
life. I am amazed every single day when
someone tells me they read my books and I’m shocked that people actually want
to meet me. I’m a soccer mom from Ohio
and kind of a dork. You seriously want a
picture with me? I want a picture with
YOU because you’re awesome! I want to
take every single fan home with me and line them up on a shelf in a non-serial
killer way. They are all so amazing and
supportive and just as insane as I am.
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Thank you so much babe for stopping by my blog! Muah!!
Tara Sivec is a wife, mom, chauffeur, cheerleading coach, soccer coach, babysitter, short order cook, genius and albino squirrel hunter. She lives in Ohio with her husband and two kids. In her spare time she likes read, write and cover things in chocolate. Most of her material comes from real life experiences with family and friends. Lucky for them, the names have been changed to protect the innocent (aka, drunk).
Tara also writes under the pen name T.E. Sivec where she can be serious, suspenseful and not at all funny.
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