I had the perfect life; an awesome job in advertising, a gorgeous high rise apartment, and a flirtation with the guy down the hall. Then it all came crashing down. Two months later I was a cocktail waitress living in a tiny one bedroom apartment. I had also developed a serious ‘men suck’ attitude.
That all changed the night I met the beautiful and enigmatic Conner Savage. But there was just one little problem…he said he was a vampire. Figures a man that hot would be batshit crazy. Or so I thought. It didn't take me long to realize that Conner wasn't a nut job and that I was addicted to him.
With every moment we spent together he drew me deeper into his world and the supernatural culture in which he lived.
Now I had a choice: the vampire I craved or a normal life. Couldn't be easier, right?

Big thumbs up to reading it.
Wow. Where do I even begin? I loved this story.
This is not like any vampire story you might have read. C.C. puts her own spin on the mythology of vampires which I liked - a lot. You will just have to read it to see what I mean. ;-)
This story is about Donna and Conner. I'll try to do my best without spoiling anything good.
Donna is working as a waitress in a bar after being fired from her advertising job. One night she runs into a little trouble with some customers after closing and Conner comes to her rescue. At first she doesn't believe that he is a vampire, that he is some nut job claiming to be a vamp. She does agree to go out with him against her better judgment, and that (in MHO) is the best decision she makes. :-) They begin a relationship that is sweet and honest. She is smart, a wiseass (kinda like myself in ways), and relatable. Donna is a strong character - not a whiny heroine. Conner. Wow. I wish I had a Conner in my life - human or Vampire.
Honestly - you need to read this book. I don't want to go too much into it because I think you need to experience it for yourself. C.C. finds a way to mix in some humor into the storyline along with some mild drama but its nothing that will make you want to run away frustrated. I'm already looking forward to more to come.
You won't be sorry if you read this book.
Ok so mine is a half review - I am still in the middle of reading it. So when I finish, I will be posting my full review. But let me just say this. C.C. Wood has such a knack for pulling in her readers. She is funny, has strong characters that you really can sink your teeth into (yes, I did that on purpose). I am loving the book so far and C.C. is one of those authors that I will buy her books without ever having to see a review. I know it will be a good book, worth every minute I spend in it. This is one of those books :) Full review to come. ~ Becca
A native Texan, C.C. grew up either reading or playing the piano. Years later, she’s still not grown up and doing the same things. Since the voices in her head never shut up, C.C. decided to try and profit from their crazy stories and started writing books.
Now that she has a baby girl at home, C.C.’s non-writing time is usually spent cleaning up poopy diapers or feeding the poop machine. Sometimes she teaches piano, cooks, or spends time bugging her hubby and two beagles.
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