Meet Syon Braden, Lead Vocalist and Guitarist for TOXSIN.
Rock star Syon Braden writes and plays the most
extreme—and profitable—music from the depths of his shredded heart. He’s
got a double platinum record, adoring fans, and success for his band
Toxsin—but it’s what he can’t have that he craves.
Custom leather designer Kate Napier has her sights set on success, and that means keeping irresistible rock stars like Syon out of her bed. The chance to tour with the band and provide them with a fantastic custom wardrobe is too major an opportunity to turn down. But immersion in the dark, wild world of Toxsin on tour means Kate’s about to get rocked…hard…body and soul.
Custom leather designer Kate Napier has her sights set on success, and that means keeping irresistible rock stars like Syon out of her bed. The chance to tour with the band and provide them with a fantastic custom wardrobe is too major an opportunity to turn down. But immersion in the dark, wild world of Toxsin on tour means Kate’s about to get rocked…hard…body and soul.
“Thank you, Denver!” Syon
raised the microphone over his head as the Pepsi Center filled with
screaming fans. It was sold out, every seat filled, and the pit was a
crush of bodies all straining to get closer to
the performers. The surge of bodies was like watching a tribe, all of
them melding into a single entity, united by one driving force.
The music.
It was the force that
promised them liberation. In the moment, they could immerse themselves
in it. Everyone in the arena was there with a sole purpose in mind.
To jump into the current and ride it over the falls.
Drake started up on the
drums, setting a beat that made Kate squirm in her seat. Dead center at
the end of the catwalk, she had a seat that normally went for over ten
thousand dollars. She could touch the edge of
the catwalk and possibly Syon when he made one of his runs down it.
You’ve touched him…
She grinned.
Yeah, and licked, as well as a few other things.
Pressing in around her
were women willing to pay for that privilege. They were decked out in
Prada and other designer labels, most of them looking like they’d
invested in their personal enhancements as well. No
one was sitting down. Drake was tearing up the mood with a drum solo
that made it impossible to sit. Taz was laying down a bass rhythm that
tickled her insides. It was a deep, dark feeling of impending madness.
That insanity was
delivered when Ramsey and Syon joined in on either side of the stage,
their fingers coaxing sounds out of their guitars that shot through the
building and left Kate panting. It was more than their
fingers. It was a whole-body experience.
Back in Los Angeles, she’d
wondered if she’d just been overwhelmed, if the intensity would fade,
but it hadn’t. If anything, she was caught up even more this time, the
music hitting her deeper, more intimately as
Syon took to the mic to add lyrics.
His voice was rough velvet—smooth when it needed to be, but cutting as he sang out.
His soul was on display.
No one else knew it, but
she did. What he was putting on that stage was his inner demon.
The one the rest of the world was too chicken to let be seen.
The one the rest of the world was too chicken to let be seen.
It was an awesome sight.
Kate realized why the
crowd was roaring, why she was on her feet shaking her fist in the air.
It was because he was a leader, setting them all free, saying exactly
what was on his mind, singing it out without remorse
for who was offended.
Everyone wanted sex, but
Syon was bold enough to say it out loud. Ramsey backed him up,
completing the moment as the lights flashed around them and the song
came to an end.
Syon was halfway down the
catwalk when he finished, bowing back, pushing the last notes out of
him. He forced it into the world, and everyone experienced the intensity
of life, that thing everyone thought about,
wanted to be, but were too practical to act upon.
Too scared to release.
Dawn Ryder is the erotic romance pen name of
a bestselling author of historical romances. She has been publishing
her stories for over eight years to a growing and appreciative audience.
She is commercially published in mass market
and trade paper, and digi-first published with trade paper releases.
She is hugely committed to her career as an author, as well as to other
authors and to her readership. She resides in Southern California.

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