Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Current Between Us by Kindle Alexander - Re-Release Launch

Gage Synclair, international, hard-hitting investigative photojournalist, is preparing for the final special report of his career…a story of deception and murder six long years in the making. And after ten years in some of the worst parts of the world, he’s ready to settle life down and open an art gallery in his hometown of Chicago. The only thing getting in his way, he needs to find a competent electrician to finish the job before his grand opening. Trent Cooper, electrical contractor, is surprised by the last minute request for a fast-paced electrical remodel, wanting nothing more than to get his foot in the door with Layne Construction. Being gay in the construction industry isn’t easy, nor is being father to his two young adopted children. Trent keeps his life in separate zones to avoid a short circuit. But when the gallery owner propositions him on the first day, Trent can’t help but think his worlds are a little too close for comfort. Will their high-voltage passion spark everlasting love or will their lives break the circuit between them forever? 

Title: The Current Between Us
Includes Deleted Scenes
Author: Kindle Alexander
Genre: M/M Romance
Re-Release Date: November 29, 2016

“Highly recommended read... what are you waiting for, get a wriggle on and discover for yourself what a great book it is!” - Sinfully Sexy Book Reviews “...a really good M/M with great steamy romance, cute kids, a thrilling resolution and several unexpected turns” - Reader Review “This is seriously hot romantic MM story. It has a nice mixture of mystery and suspense to add to the page turn-ability.” - Reader Review

I am so excited about the re-release of one of my favorite Kindle Alexander Books! And the added content at the end of the book, lets fans of the book catch up with Trent, Gage and the family plus a bonus of setting up their next book Painted on my Heart.

Trent is a single dad, just trying to do what's best for his family. Gage is an international, award winning photojournalist who moves back to his home town of Chicago to open an art gallery. What Gage didn't expect was the gorgeous electrician who takes his breath away. As these two start to explore their new found relationship, they find out there is more between them then the current of passion they share.

This is a steamy and seductive yet full of heart and mystery novel that will have you turning the pages faster than you want because you just don't want the story to end. The bonus features make this book that more enjoyable.

Check out the trailer for A Current Between Us!

Best Selling Author Kindle Alexander is an innovative writer, and a genre-crosser who writes classic fantasy, romance, suspense, and erotica in both the male/male and male/female genres. It's always a surprise to see what's coming next!
I live in the suburbs of Dallas where it's true, the only thing bigger than an over active imagination, may be women's hair!
Usually, I try for funny. Humor is a major part of my life - I love to laugh, and it seems to be the thing I do in most situations - regardless of the situation, but jokes are a tricky deal... I don't want to offend anyone and jokes tend to offend. So instead I'm going to tell you about Kindle.
I tragically lost my sixteen year old daughter to a drunk driver. She had just been at home, it was early in the night and I heard the accident happen. I'll never forget that moment. The sirens were immediate and something inside me just knew. I left my house, drove straight to the accident on nothing more than instinct. I got to be there when my little girl died - weirdly, I consider that a true gift from above. She didn't have to be alone.
That time in my life was terrible. It's everything you think it would be times about a billion. I love that kid. I loved being her mother and I loved watching her grow into this incredibly beautiful person, both inside and out. She was such a gift to me. To have it all ripped away so suddenly broke me.
Her name was Kindle. Honest to goodness - it was her name and she died a few weeks before Amazon released their brand new Kindle ereader. She had no idea it was coming out and she would have finally gotten her name on something! Try finding a ruler with the name Kindle on it.. It never happened.
Through the course of that crippling event I was lucky enough to begin to write with a dear friend in the fan fiction world of Facebook. She got me through those dark days with her unwavering support and friendship. There wasn't a time she wasn't there for me. Sometimes together and sometimes by myself, we built a world where Kindle lives and stands for peace, love and harmony. It's its own kind of support group. I know without question I wouldn't be here today without her.
Find out more by visiting or email me at


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

SEASIDE WHISPERS by Melissa Foster

Will their whispers of love be enough for one of them 
to change their life forever?

Having a mad crush on her boss’s son, Matt Lacroux—an intriguing mix of proper gentleman and flirtatious bad boy—is probably not the smartest idea for single mother Mira Savage. Especially when the company, and her job, is already on shaky ground. But as a Princeton professor, Matt’s life is hours away from Mira’s home on Cape Cod, keeping him safely in the fantasy-only zone. And as a single mother to six-year-old Hagen, with a floundering company to save, fantasies are all she has time for.

With hopes of becoming dean off the table, and too many months of longing for a woman who lived too far away to pursue, Matt’s publishing contract couldn’t have come at a better time. He heads home to Cape Cod on a brief sabbatical, intent on starting his book, and finally getting his arms around sweet, seductive Mira.

A surprise encounter leads to white-hot passions and midnight confessions. The more time Matt and Mira spend together, the deeper their relationship grows, and the love and attention Matt showers on Hagen is more than she has ever dreamed of. But Matt’s sabbatical is only temporary, and Mira’s not saving his father’s company so she can leave it behind. Will their whispers of love be enough for one of them to change their life forever?

Seaside Summers #8
Melissa Foster
Releasing Nov 30th, 2016

Matt Lacroux has always been on a mission. A mission to achieve Dean of Social Sciences at Princeton, to help others around him and be the best academic he could be. He's had one focus and one focus only... that is until he went home for his brother's engagement party and meet Mira and her son Hagen. Instantly smitten with the single mom and her smart as a whip son.

Now a year later, Matt finds himself back home, ready to take on a new mission. Win the love of Mira Savage. He's kept in touch with her and has found that he was missing more out of life than he thought possible. With a book deal and three month sabbatical from Princeton, he's ready to see where things could go with Mira.

I love Matt in this book. We got to see the sexy professor in a whole new light and boy... there were some fan yourself moments! His love for not only Mira but for Hagen too, was the sexiest thing of all.

This was a take hold of you and never let go true romance book that left me with a huge smile.

Chapter One

MATT LACROUX NEEDED a shower, a vacation, and to figure out what the hell he was doing with his life—in that order. And sex. Sex would be good. It had been a long time since he’d had a warm, willing woman in his bed instead of a research project to work on, papers to grade, or notes to coordinate on the book he was writing. In fact, now that he was thinking about it, he might move sex up to the top of his list—if he didn’t have someone else’s blood on his hands.

He tugged off his torn shirt, tossed it in the hamper, and turned on the shower. He’d been back on Cape Cod for less than three hours and had already broken up a fight between drunken college kids over by the Bookstore Restaurant, where he’d eaten dinner and thought he would write for a while. Maybe he should have done what so many other professors did when they took a sabbatical and gone to a nice resort somewhere, or holed up in a mountain cabin. He could have stayed at his cottage on Nantucket, but he missed his family, and his father wasn’t getting any younger. Plus, his siblings’ joint wedding was only two months away. It was taking place on their mother’s birthday, to honor her memory. It was time to reconnect.

His mind drifted to the other person he’d like to reconnect with, Mira Savage, his father’s employee and the woman who had been occupying Matt’s thoughts since he met her last summer at his younger brother Grayson’s engagement party. They’d spent the entire day together with her adorable son, Hagen. He’d seen her half a dozen times since, during brief visits home. They’d taken Hagen to the park together and a few other places, although they’d never gone on an official date. They’d exchanged occasional texts over the weeks in between, but that was as far as it had gone. It being Matt’s attraction to a woman who lived too many hours away to get involved with. Mira wasn’t the type of woman whose life he could complicate with intermittent encounters. She was a selfless woman who put her son and others first. The type of woman who blushed when he got too close. The type of woman a man took the time to get to know—almost a year, that’s pretty damn long—to show her she could trust him, a woman who should be taken care of and protected but not smothered. And she was the only woman he’d like to undress slowly, loving every inch of her incredible body until she was trembling with need and slick as a baby seal. Keeping himself in check had been like dancing on hot coals, but he’d never stopped thinking about the sexy single mother and her inquisitive son.

He stripped off his slacks and stepped into the shower, turning the faucet to cold now that he was hot and bothered over Mira. He closed his eyes and exhaled a long breath.

One thing at a time. 

The water shifted from his head to his back, and Matt looked up at the faucet, which promptly fell, clipping his cheekbone.

“Ouch! What the—” He grabbed his cheek and pulled away from the water spraying in all directions from the broken spigot. Perfect. Just perfect. He washed the fresh blood from his fingers and quickly rinsed off. 

He stepped from the shower and dried off, eyeing the offending fixture. The damn thing had a crack around the housing and rust on the inside. He’d rented his friends’ cottage in the Seaside community for the summer. The place was in great shape, but things like showerheads were easy to miss when renovating. It was after nine o’clock, and Amy and Tony had a little girl. Matt wasn’t about to bother them about a freaking bathroom fixture. He pulled on clean clothes and called his father, who owned Lacroux Hardware Store. 

“Hey, Pop. Is the electronic code to your shop still Mom’s birthday?” His father had been talking about retiring lately. The hardware store was meant to be the family legacy, passed down to one of his five children, only none of them wanted to take it over. But right this very moment, Matt had never been so glad that his father was in the hardware business. The Cape wasn’t big on chain stores. The closest Home Depot or Target was a good forty minutes away.

“Yes. What’s wrong?”

“I need a showerhead for Tony’s place.”

“Want me to run one up to you?”

Neil Lacroux would do anything for his children—even though they were all grown up. Matt knew he’d been lonely since their mother passed away unexpectedly from an aneurysm a few years ago, which was another reason he’d chosen to come back home during his sabbatical. He made a mental note to stop by the store and visit with him.

“I’ve got it, Pop. Sorry to bother you.”

The drive to Orleans took only a few minutes. Even though Matt had grown up on the Cape, it always took him a day or two to adjust to being out of the city. Slacks and button-downs were replaced with shorts and tank tops, people moved at a more relaxed pace, and no matter how far from the beach he was, sand was ever-present. Sand in the grass, sand on the floors, sand on the seat of his car—and he hadn’t even been to the beach yet.

He punched in the code to the security keypad, and the minute he was inside the dark store, he heard it. Tap, tap, tap. He froze, every neuron on high alert, and listened. Tap, tap, tap, tap, pause, tap, tap, tap. It was coming from his father’s office. His arms instinctively flexed, preparing for a fight. He moved swiftly and silently to the office door and listened to the incessant tapping. Dad’s calculator?

He pushed the door open, and his body flooded with awareness at the sight of Mira sitting at the desk, her fingers flying over the calculator. Maybe this was his lucky night after all.
Her hand flew to her chest. “Matt…?” His name came out all breathy. “You scared me. I had no idea you were in town.”

Because I made a point of wanting to surprise you, although not exactly like this. 

“Sorry about that, sunshine. I just got in a little while ago. I came to get a showerhead.”

He walked into the small office, taking in the ledger on the desk, illuminated by his father’s ancient single-bulb lamp, and the family photos thumbtacked to the wall. He noticed a new photograph front and center, a picture of Hagen holding a fishing rod with a little sunfish dangling from the line. He knew how much Mira and Hagen meant to his father, but seeing Hagen’s photo among their family’s brought the full impact home. He shifted his gaze to Mira, and as the shock of his arrival wore off, a beautiful smile spread across her face. There it was, the brightness that had hooked him all those months ago. The sweet look of innocence and rebellious I-can-take-on-the-world confidence in her gorgeous eyes. 

She had no idea what she did to him. 

“Sunshine,” she whispered, and shook her head. 

“You can’t deny the way you light up everything around you.” He’d given her the nickname last summer because she had such a positive outlook on life.

“You should see me before I have coffee in the mornings.”

I’d like that more than you know.

“A showerhead? Let me show you where they are.” She pushed to her feet, nearly bumping into his chest in the close quarters. Her chestnut hair tumbled sexily over her shoulders as she stood before him, one hand perched over his chest, the other reaching up to touch his cheek. “What happened?”

Their attraction had been immediate and intense last summer and had only grown stronger with each subsequent visit—at least he knew it had for him. For months he’d buried any hope of exploring their connection beneath classes and research papers. Now, as she gazed into his eyes, all those heated memories came rushing back.

“I was assaulted by the old one.”

“Ouch.” She grimaced, and the spray of freckles on the bridge of her nose rose with the effort.

He hadn’t been able to get that cute mannerism out of his head when he’d gone back to Princeton, and damn, did he like seeing it again.

“You might need a stitch.” Her fingers lingered on his skin, warm and soft. 

He covered her hand with his, pressing it to his cheek. “It’s nothing, really.”

She nibbled nervously on the corner of her mouth. “I’ll just…” She pointed out of the office, and her hand slid from beneath his. Her breasts brushed against his arm as she walked away, stirring more of that same dark attraction. 

There was no shortage of women vying for Matt’s attention. From coeds to faculty, he could have his pick back in Princeton, and the choices were just as plentiful here at the Cape. But the only woman he saw when he closed his eyes at night was heading down aisle seven of his father’s hardware store.

Melissa Foster is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. She writes sexy and heartwarming contemporary romance, new adult romance, and women's fiction with emotionally compelling characters that stay with you long after you turn the last page. Melissa's emotional journeys are lovingly erotic, perfect beach reads, and always family oriented. 


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dealing in Deception by Samantha Joyce

As an actress-for-hire, Veronica Wilde has made a living out of pretending to be other people. It’s the one thing at which she’s always excelled: taking on someone else’s personality and running with it. So after Elise Jameson, author of the bestselling Viking Moon series, decides she no longer requires Veronica’s services, she needs to find a new gig—and fast.

But when her newest client hires Veronica to help him make his small business look more successful than it actually is, the sparks that fly between them are definitely not part of the act. Suddenly, Veronica finds she’s tired of playing pretend for a living. She’s been acting for so long, she’s blindsided by the one man who sees her for who she really is. And the most terrifying part? She might actually like it.
I was really surprised by this book. This was my first read by Samantha Joyce and I really enjoyed this book a lot.  

I instantly fell in love with Baxter. I love a lovable geek and Baxter fit it to a tee. An ex-accountant out to do good in the world around him. It did take me a while to warm up to Veronica, but the chemistry between these two was awesome. The bickering and the sarcastic nature of both made this a fun read.  

This was a fun quick read that was full of heart and I can't wait to read more books from Samantha Joyce. She has definitely been added to my TBR list.

“Well,” Veronica said after a moment, “you’re certainly passionate about your cause. I’ll give you that. But I’m sorry. I think you were right the first time. I don’t see this endeavor going anywhere, with or without my help.”
She jumped out of the chair and headed for the door. I lunged off the sofa and stopped her before she made it out of the room. She stood only inches away from me, her hips almost against mine. A gasp popped out of her mouth, sexy as hell and weakening my knees, but I maintained my stance at the door.

“I thought you said you could beat any challenge,” I said. “Isn’t that why you came in here with me in the first place?”

She placed her palm on my chest, almost like she was going to push me out of the way, but her hand stayed flat. I wondered if she could feel my heart pounding at her nearness.

We stood like that for a full minute, challenging each other with our eyes and bodies. Something licked my hand then wriggled between us. Ari let out a bark. I patted him on the head to let him know everything was fine and the strange woman in front of me wasn’t a threat.

Or maybe she was the biggest threat I’d ever encountered.

Veronica’s fingers left my chest, and she sank into the chair. “You’re right. I can pull this off. But we do need to discuss price. You said you had some money saved up, but something like this won’t come cheap.”

“Scott said you charged him three thousand?”

I took my seat on the couch as she studied her nails. “Scottie was an easy one. This job is a longer stint, and it will require some major acting on my part, as well as getting in touch with some of my contacts to get meetings with potential investors. Five times the work, at least. So, fifteen grand.”

“Whoa.” I exhaled and leaned back. That ate into most of what I had left. I’d need to take on a few consulting jobs from home to make ends meet, but it was doable. Guess I wouldn’t be paying off that maxed-out credit card any time soon.

“I knew you couldn’t afford this when you walked in yesterday,” she said. “Something about the hole in your sleeve.”

“I didn’t say no. I just needed to think about it. I do have it. But I get a full refund if you’re not successful, right?”

Ari resettled beside her and placed his head in her lap. She didn’t shove him off. I found myself suddenly jealous of my dog.

“And what exactly are the terms?” she asked. “What do you want?”

I want my blankets bought and mass-produced to help the needy.”

“That’s impossible.”

“Then walk away. It’ll be our little secret you failed before you tried.”

Her cheek twitched. Victory was mine. “Fine. We have a deal, Baxter.”

“Bax.” I corrected. “Baxter makes me feel like someone’s dog.” 

The corner of her lips tilted up, ever so slightly, and satisfaction bloomed in my chest that I might have actually made her almost laugh.
“We’re done here.” She stood and pulled her phone out of her purse. 

“I only take cash. We’ll meet downtown tomorrow. Here, input your number and I’ll text you the details. Bring the money and we’ll start right away.”

I handed her the phone after entering my details, and walked her to the door. Ari trailed behind us. “If you can actually pull this off, it will be a miracle.”

“No kidding. This is the dumbest thing I’ve agreed to.”

I held out my hand. “Well, thanks, anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow, Ronnie.”

She spun on her heel, her eyes darkening beneath her long lashes. The anger on her face knocked me back so far, I almost tripped on the dog. 

“Don’t call me Ronnie. Ever. Or this deal is off, got it?”

“Got it.” I held the door open for her. “Have a good evening, Veronica.”

She walked down the street and got into her car without another word. Goose bumps raced up my back as I watched her silver vehicle exit my street. The look on her face when I’d called her Ronnie had chilled me to the core. She hadn’t exactly been a basket of puppies when we’d met, but I’d definitely hit a nerve with my attempt at a friendly nickname.
Ari whimpered as her car disappeared from view, and I rubbed his ears. “I agree, buddy. I just made the scariest deal of my life with the most terrifying woman I’ve ever met. That book was wrong. The devil doesn’t wear Prada. I’m pretty sure she wears Chanel.”

Samantha has wanted to be an author since she picked up her first book and realized authors get to create new worlds with just a pen and paper (or laptop, if you will). She loves to write about romance because, as someone who married her high school sweetheart, she absolutely believes in true love. She also loves making people laugh and feels love and laughter go hand in hand. If she can make someone both swoon and giggle with her words, she considers that a success. When not writing or at her day job, Samantha can be found either singing and dancing on stage in local musicals, or at home watching geeky television shows with her husband.

Her debut, FLIRTING WITH FAME will be published by Pocket Star/Simon & Schuster in 2016.


ans, and tElise Jameson is the secret author behind the bestselling, cult hit Viking Moon series. But when a stranger poses as Elise, the painfully shy, deaf nineteen-year-old starts to see how much she’s missing. Can she really hide in the shadows forever? This clever, coming-of-age debut is for anyone who has ever felt unsure in their own skin.

After a freak childhood accident leaves her deaf and physically scarred, nineteen-year-old Elise Jameson retreats into a world of vibrant characters she creates on her laptop. She is shocked when her coping mechanism turns into a career as a phenomenal bestselling novelist. Fans are obsessed with Elise’s Viking Moon series and its author—a striking girl with zero resemblance to Elise who appears on the back covers. Elise sent the randomly Googled photo to her editor following a minor panic attack. Now, horrified to learn she is expected on set of the television pilot based on her novels, Elise tracks down her anonymous stand-in. To Elise’s surprise, Veronica Wilde has been taking credit for Viking Moon for years. She eagerly agrees to keep up the charade if Elise will pose as her assistant.

It’s hard for Elise to watch a stranger take credit for her work and get all the perks she desires, including admiration from the show’s heartthrob star. Edged onto the sidelines of her own life, Elise reconsiders her choice to stay anonymous. Is she ready to come to terms with her true identity—and with the long-buried secrets that could cost her her career, her fans and t
he few precious friendships she’s made?