Saturday, February 28, 2015

Whispered Lies by Kristin Vayden

Whispered Lies Cover
Atonement is my only salvation. 

So when the opportunity presented itself, to save her. I did. And the tangled web began…Knowing her, but not letting her know me. Keeping her at arm's length when all I wanted to do was have her in my arms. 

Protecting her, because I finally fell. 

And the monster she needed protection from… Was me.


“Why are you avoiding me?” I asked, hating that I sounded so weak and insecure. I risked a glance up, biting my lip as Alder studied me.

 He didn’t immediately refute my claim, which basically affirmed that I was right. He was avoiding me.


Which totally solidified my stalker status.

“Jayne, it’s for the best… okay?” He spoke quietly, his gaze searching my face, landing on my lips. He closed his eyes and turned away slightly. Opening his eyes, he studied the wall.


 “Because I’m… I’m the last person… you deserve someone so much…. better, you know? It’s not you. It’s me.” He turned to face me as he spoke.

 “Whenever anyone says that, it just makes you feel like they're trying to let you down nicely, you know?” I took a deep breath and stood. “It’s okay. I get it. I just…” I searched his hazel eyes. “…I thought there was something more, and I was wrong. It’s okay.” I tried to smile bravely, but I knew I failed by the expression on his face. “Jayne, don’t.” His expression was tortured, as if he were fighting an internal civil war, and no matter the side, he would lose.

 “It’s okay, Alder. I… I’m sorry I cornered you. It’s just that I felt safe around you… and it’s…” I took a shaky breath as I continued. “…it’s been a long time since I felt that way, you know?” I gave a weak smile as my eyes stung with tears.

 “Oh shit, don’t cry, please don’t cry. You… I… Jayne, I’m not worth your tears.” His voice was hoarse as he stood and reached out toward me then pulled back his hand as if reaching for something that would burn him. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed forcefully then closed his eyes. “Seriously, Jayne, if you only knew…” He shook his head and then rubbed the back of his neck.

I paused, studying him. “Is… is it because of your past?” I asked tentatively, knowing that I was about to walk on thin, fragile ice.

 He froze, and his eyes slowly slid to meet mine. “You could say that,” he whispered. I could see his breathing grow rapid as his gaze locked with mine, his expression full of fear.

 “And… you think it would be hard for me to see past it,” I guessed, taking a cautious step forward.

He watched my slow movement with a heavily guarded expression, as if he was terrified. Slowly, he nodded.

 I risked another step toward him, watching as his gaze held steady, locked on mine. “Because what you did is unforgiveable?” I murmured.

He nodded once, barely blinking as he watched me take the final step that would bring us toe to toe.

“I see,” I whispered as I tilted my head slightly and inhaled the warm scent coming from his skin, a mix of sweat and raw power. It was intoxicating, alluring and called to me, urging me to be reckless.

 I wasn’t the kind of girl to be forward, to chase the guy. Alder had changed all of that. Reaching down, I slowly laced my fingers with his, thankful he had taken off the tape as we left the gym.

His fingers tightened around mine, warming me with the security of his gentle grip.

Heart pounding, I glanced up, studying his expression, memorizing the walnut-and-moss-green highlights of his eyes, the strong line of his jaw.

His gaze traced my face, as if he were studying me just as intently.

“I’m stronger than you think,” I murmured and rose up on my toes as I ran my nose along his lower jaw. His breathing hitched and I sensed his muscles lock down, as if straining against himself, not wanting to move, to either step away or step closer. It was a turning point. I could almost feel the battle being fought within him, and I wasn’t sure which side would win.

So I risked it all, hoping I would turn the tide.

Before I could possibly overthink my actions, I lifted my chin just enough to meet his mouth. Softly, I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, lingering for a moment. It was as far as I was going to go. Now I waited.

Leaning back slightly, I lifted my gaze to study his expression.

Indecision flickered before the hunger that I had only glimpsed earlier began to burn brightly in his gaze. Immediately, he tugged me close and all but devoured me with his kiss. There was no easing into the passion; it was like the Fourth of July, explosive and beautiful and passionate. His hands released mine and ran up my shoulders till they framed the back of my neck, guiding me to tilt my head so he could deepen the kiss. His lips caressed mine, his teeth playful and ardent as they nipped at my lower lip, teasing me. He darted his tongue along the seam of my lips and tortured me with just a taste of his flavor.

 Not wanting to be outdone, I gripped his shoulders and ran my fingers along the hills and valleys of his back, delighting in the raw power he held.

I could feel his heartbeat racing as I pressed into him, wanting to be closer, wanting more.

Wanting to forget everything but him, wanting to lose myself, even if it were just for one moment.

For one night.

“Alder…” I whispered his name as his lips left mine and traveled down my neck, nipping and teasing my skin till he reached my collarbone. Almost frantically he met my lips once more, seemingly desperate to taste my kiss.

A desperation I felt as well.

Breaking the kiss, I grinned and gently pressed against his chest till his knees hit his chair. His chest rose and fell quickly, same as mine, as I kissed him once, then pushed down on his shoulders, encouraging him to sit down.

Climbing on his lap, it was almost as if I were watching it unfold outside my body. This wasn’t me… I didn’t do things like this…

 But here I was, seducing him in a dingy prison-looking office.

Alder didn’t need any further encouragement. Where I had started everything, he was now taking control, and I was thrilled to follow. His hands circled my waist and pulled me tightly against his lap as his lips took mine hostage, demanding and hot. I felt the last reservations fall away. Warm hands gripped my hips till they toyed with the edge of my shirt. His tongue wove around mine, dancing, seducing. Deftly, his hands found skin, caressing my lower back and wandering around to my stomach, climbing higher till they grazed the edge of my bra.

Then, like someone had poured a bucket of ice water over his head, he froze. He carefully ended the kiss and gently pulled my shirt down so it covered me. Confused, I leaned back to study him.

“Jayne…” His tone was labored.

I waited, barely breathing. My heart thundered with the fear of rejection.

 He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the back of the chair as his hands wound around my waist, and he held me as if he were afraid I’d disappear.

Alder would forever be a complete contradiction.

And like a drug, I couldn’t stop needing hit after hit.

His breathing slowed, and he lifted his eyes to meet my gaze. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

 That wasn’t what I was expecting. And it was the most romantic, sweet thing any guy had ever said.

A piece of my heart melted, and a smile broke through the fear.

“Honestly… in all the world, I don’t think I’d ever find anyone so beautiful, inside and out.” He shook his head slightly, his expression full of wonder, but a rough edge to his tone gave me a shiver up my spine.

Ignoring it, I shrugged. “You don’t know me that well… yet.” I grinned flirtatiously.

“Actually…” Alder’s expression froze then grew resolute. “…Jayne, I do.”

 The "What ifs" of life are hard to swallow and Jayne and Alder both have a basketful of them in this emotionally gut punch of a story.

Jayne lost her twin brother in an accident, not being able to let go of the pain and the hostility for the man who took him away. Alder is seeking redemption for the mistakes of his past, even though it was a past he had no control over. 

These two lost souls make a connection but the secrets of the past could be the one this that tears them apart.

Kristin is a master at weaving inspiration, hope and love. Even though this is a short read it will shatter you and then help build you back up with insight and hope.

This will be a story that will stay with you for a while. Amazing read!

4.5 Stars 

Author Bio
authorpictureprof Kristin Vayden 
Kristin’s inspiration for the romance she writes comes from her tall, dark and handsome husband with killer blue eyes. With five children to chase, she is never at a loss for someone to kiss, something to cook or some mess to clean but she loves every moment of it! She loves to make soap, sauerkraut, sourdough bread and gluten free muffins. Life is full of blessings and she praises God for the blessed and abundant life He’s given her.


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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thoughtful by SC Stephens

In Thoughtless, Kiera told her story. Now it's time to hear from the sexy rock star who captivated us all . . .

The only place Kellan Kyle has ever felt at home is onstage. Gripping his guitar in a darkened bar, he can forget his painful past. These days his life revolves around three things: music, his bandmates, and hot hookups. Until one woman changes everything . . . Kiera is the kind of girl Kellan has no business wanting-smart, sweet, and dating his best friend. Certain he could never be worthy of her love, he hides his growing attraction . . . until Kiera's own tormented heart hints that his feelings might not be one-sided. 
Now, no matter the consequences, Kellan is sure of one thing-he won't let Kiera go without a fight.

I am a big fan of the SC Stephens and the Thoughtless Series. I loved Kellan, never really had a problem Kiera and understood the struggles that each of them went through to find their love. That being said, Thoughtful is Kellan's POV of Thoughtless which was from Kiera's POV. There is a lot of good in this good and a lot I really had a hard time swallowing.

First the good. You will LOVE Kellan and all of the D-Bags even more after reading Thoughtful. I love a good male POV and you get that in this book. You will even come to love Kiera more too. It's always nice to see both POVs helping you to expand on the story, and I think that Thoughtful definitely does that for you. Kellan did not have the best growing up. The only genuine love he ever really received was from his best friend Denny. You get into Kellan's mind and you understand his decisions, his heartbreak, his emotions for Kiera, his conflict.

The things that didn't set easily for me: This book was way too long. Yes I loved being able to get into Kellan's head, but at times it was just too overwhelming. This book is heartbreaking, emotional, angsty, which I can take but not in such large doses. I think this would have been much better suited as a novella, going over key scenes. I really had a hard time solidering through this book. I had to take large breaks to walk away from it and didn't know if I would be able to finish it, although I did.

All and all, it was a great book, just overwhelming for myself. True fans of the series and those who love angst will get exactly that. My poor heart could only take so much.

3.5 stars

Do you have any hobbies or activities that you enjoy outside of writing? 
I’m a group fitness junkie. I live for my step class! And I’m starting to get into lifting weights, which means I’m sore. A lot. I love that feeling though. I also love sitting on my butt and watching movies all day. Movie-marathon weekends are my favorite!

If Kellan and Kiera’s relationship had a theme song, what would it be? 
There are so many good ones, but I always find myself going back to I Can’t Not Love You by Every Avenue.

Many readers say Kellan was the first/favorite book boyfriend. What do you think appeals to readers about him? 
I think it’s a mixture of his job, his past, his looks, his pain, and the fact that he is so incredibly devoted to the people he cares about. 

How has music played a role in your life and in your writing? 
Music gives me ideas, and is basically the reason for Kellan’s existence. I “saw” him singing every song I listened to on the radio. I fell in love with him long before I wrote his story.

 What did Kellan and Kiera exchange for Valentine’s Day this year? 
They’re very busy, so time alone together is what they cherish most.
S. C. Stephens is a #1 bestselling author who spends her every free moment creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance.  In addition to writing, she enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with her friends and family.  She and her two children reside in the Pacific Northwest. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Happy Release Day to Brenda Rothert - Killian


Killian Bosch knows he’s his own worst enemy – he just doesn’t give a damn. The star forward of a minor league hockey team, he’s unstoppable on the ice. His reckless behavior, devil-may-care attitude and complete disregard for consequences have made him a major source of headaches for the Fenway Flyers’ brass. But the new Flyers owner is more steel than brass. Sidney Stahl is a disciplined woman who parlayed earnings from a college job into a real estate empire. She’s determined to transform the Flyers from marketing nightmare to hockey powerhouse. Once she gets Killian in line, she knows the rest of the team will follow his lead.

The seduction of his sexy new team owner is a challenge too forbidden for Killian to resist. Sidney plays into his attraction as a means of controlling him, but soon finds that she’s the one surrendering. It’s all on the line as Killian and Sidney are forced to choose - business or pleasure?


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My mind was jerked back to the present when I became aware the coach had moved on from his teaching lesson. “The new owner’s upstairs watching practice,” Orion announced, giving us the evil eye.
We all looked up in the direction of the owner’s box, but I couldn’t see anyone standing inside. Orion turned to Bruce, the Flyers assistant coach, and spoke in a voice loud enough that no one could miss what he was saying, “Bruce, did we not have a meeting with the new owner before practice this morning?” Bruce nodded his agreement. “Tell me if I remember this right, Bruce.” Orion continued. “Did she tell us this team will be undergoing some major changes? That we’ll be making cuts and bringing in new talent?” “That’s right, Coach,” Bruce said in an even tone.
Sighs and shuffling from around me indicated nervousness. I had nothing to worry about. I was the captain of the team and probably the best player here, though Bennett was a very close second. But the idea of cutting the dead weight got my attention. I was as disgusted as Orion with the record of our team. It was fucking embarrassing. He’d been brought in by the new ownership to turn things around and it sounded like that was about to happen.
“I’ve been here two weeks,” he said. “I’ve given all of you a chance to show me you want to be on this team. Starting today, there’ll be one on one meetings between some of you and the new owner. Later on, Bruce and I will talk to each of you individually to let you know who’s staying and who’s going. Now back to the fucking play, boys.”
As we turned to get back in line, Orion called Liam’s name. “You’re up first with the owner,” he said. “You know where her office is?” My head swiveled to look at Orion. Her? The new owner was a woman? Fucking hell.
A woman wouldn’t be able to make the tough decisions this team needed to recover from its place at the bottom of the league. And what about Liam? He was a quiet, solid player on the first line. What the hell did the new ownership want with him? I wanted to go with him to that meeting, but that was never going to happen.

Liam skated over to the bench and I glanced back up at the owner’s box, glowering. Anybody who fucked with Liam was also fucking with me. I had nothing to lose, and a man with nothing to lose was never someone you wanted to fuck with. Especially not by some woman who thought she could overhaul this team and turn things around. Others had tried and failed. She would be no different.
Brenda Rothert lives in Central Illinois with her husband and three sons. She was a daily print journalist for nine years, during which time she enjoyed writing a wide range of stories.

These days Brenda writes New Adult Romance in the Contemporary and Dystopian genres. She loves to hear from readers by email at


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Matched by SE Hall and Angela Graham



Date, Mate, Fate: Celebrity Edition

The reality show like no other: Eight men, eight women, one mansion in paradise; their every move caught on camera for the world to see.

Among the faces in the house: a mysterious cowboy, a cocky football star, a motocross god, and a broody Alpha calling all the shots.

Thorough compatibility testing says everyone’s soulmate is there. Computers’ abilities are boundless, but can they be trusted with matters of the heart? Would you recognize “the one” when you saw them?

Rated NC-17 for foul language, heavy drinking, and graphic sex.

*Full-length, stand-alone novel.


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“Welcome to the beautiful island of Mahé in Seychelles! I’m your host, Tom Peters, and you,” says the man in front of us, spreading his arms out wide, “are the handpicked contestants for the premiere season of Date, Mate, Fate: Celebrity Edition.” He pauses for inserted applause. No, really—a crewman standing off-camera holds up a sign that says, “Insert Applause.”

When the clapping has met the appropriate meter level, Tom continues. “Several faces here, I’m sure you’ll recognize; celebrities from an array of arenas, including sports, the big screen, and even the Olympics have been generous enough to take time from their grueling schedules to join us. And each of them was asked to invite a plus one—anyone—of their choosing, whom we also thank for being here.”

I already feel cramped in my own skin, the endless barrage of cameras and crew filming our every move and reaction in full, intimidating effect. And to top it all off, I’ve just been declared a second-class citizen. Bonus.

I don’t join in on the clapping and whistling; the others’ enthusiasm is far from what I’m feeling. Instead, I burrow deeper into Oakley’s side, shielding my face behind his burly arm and clamping down tighter on his hand. I’m so far removed from my comfort zone, consisting of community college and a job at an off-the-beaten-path truck stop in a Podunk town. But it appears I’ve also landed in a certain circle of hell I’m having trouble comprehending—despite the generous one-week notice.

 OMG - I could not get enough of this book! I want more more more! Do you hear me Steph and Angela??

Reality show behind the scene its best. You will absolutely fall in love with these characters and find your favorites fast.

SERIOUSLY - such a fun book!

Author Bios

S.E. hALL BIOS.E. Hall is the author of the Amazon Best Selling Evolve Series, Emerge, Embrace, Entangled (novella) and Entice as well as the bestselling stand-alone NA Romance, Pretty Instinct. She has co-written Stirred Up, Packaged and Handled, a collection of erotic short stories with her CP and friend, Author Angela Graham as well as a collaboration titled Conspire, a romantic suspense with friend and author Erin Noelle. 

She is honored to be a part of the USA Today and NYT Best Selling Devour box set. S.E., which stands for Stephanie Elaine, resides in Arkansas with her husband of 18 years and 3 beautiful daughters of the home, and one married daughter who graced her with two beautiful grandchildren. 

When not in the stands watching her ladies play softball, she enjoys reading and writing and the occasional trip to the casino. She’s also clutch at Baggo, when it’s warm outside, and definitely the woman to pick on your side for some Flip Cup! 

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Angela GrahamAngela Graham is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of the Harmony series. She resides in Tipp City, Ohio with her three beautiful children. Collaborating with S.E. Hall, she has released three erotic short stories.

Angela knew she found her calling in the world of fiction the moment she began pounding away at the keys for her first short story in 2012. With a baby on her shoulder, she wrote for about a year before deciding to try her hand at an actual novel. It was the best decision she ever made and since then she continues to bring characters to life in her free time.

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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Redemption Lane by Rachel Blaufeld

Sometimes the past bleeds into the future.

Bess, a wild party girl running from herself, literally falls victim to her demons when she collapses in the most unexpected of places.
Lane, a tightly wound, up-and-coming CEO who can’t seem to stop enabling his brother, doesn’t know what hit him when Bess falls at his feet and into his life.

It was a night she doesn’t remember, and one he can’t forget.

But rather than stay and help the needy college coed, Lane decides to teach his brother a long overdue lesson––a decision that later comes back to haunt him and only adds fury to the transgressions of his past he is already fleeing from.
Years later, Bess and Lane meet again. She doesn’t know him, and he doesn’t share that he knows what happened on that ill-fated night when she almost died. After all, he has a web of complicated lies from his own youth to protect.

Both are seeking salvation in the arms of others and ignoring the truth—that the only road to redemption lies in confronting your past.

When the past and present collide, is there any chance at redemption?

Another hit series for Rachel Blaufeld. I instantly feel for both Bess and Lane and the  struggles they were holding onto in their pasts. 

Bess was the party girl who lost herself to drugs, alcohol and men. Lane was the brother trying to keep his brother out of trouble, only digging a deeper hole for the two of them. Lane was at the right place and right time to save Bess. But when he put her into an ambulance to fend for herself, the guilt was eating away at him, even years later.

Bess has no clue that Lane was the one who saved her that fateful night. So when he shows back up in her life, she feels a connection but has no clue as to what it is or most importantly why.

Lane and Bess are emotional and raw. You feel their pain, their fears, their joys and sorrows. Rachel makes you feel every feel in the best possible way, giving you a full on experience leaving you wanting more.

5 stars

Rachel Blaufeld is a social worker/entrepreneur/blogger turned author. Fearless about sharing her opinion, Rachel captured the ear of stay-at-home and working moms on her blog, BacknGrooveMom, chronicling her adventures in parenting tweens and inventing a product, often at the same time. She has also blogged for The Huffington Post, Modern Mom, and StartupNation.

Turning her focus on her sometimes wild-and-crazy creative side, it only took Rachel two decades to do exactly what she wanted to do—write a fiction novel. Now she spends way too many hours in local coffee shops plotting her ideas. Her tales may all come with a side of angst and naughtiness, but end lusciously.

Rachel lives around the corner from her childhood home in Pennsylvania with her family and two dogs. Her obsessions include running, coffee, icing-filled doughnuts, antiheroes, and mighty fine epilogues.


Monday, February 16, 2015

Godsend by Sloan Johnson

You can’t choose who you fall in love with. Despite knowing from a young age that he was gay, Scott Murphy couldn’t imagine life without Shelly. He threw away the labels and had eleven amazing years with her, but now, he feels even more lost trying to figure out how to move on after Shelly’s death. After nearly a year of watching Scott fade away, Shelly’s father forces him to start living again.

As much as Chris loathes the idea of attending a bereavement group week after week, it’s one of the only places he can go in this town, other than the bar, to not feel so alone. When there’s nothing to distract him or dull his senses, he spends too much time obsessing over how he should have been able to help his sister. When Scott shows up at his group session, Chris decides that maybe some good can come out of his sister’s death. 

There’s no denying that Chris is the first man to catch Scott’s attention in a long time, but how can he move on when just thinking of Shelly sends him to his dark place? 

The road to recovery won’t be an easy one, but Chris is determined to help Scott see that life is still worth living. But before Scott can allow himself to admit what he feels for Chris, he knows he has to reveal the full truth about Shelly’s death.

Once again, Sloan has hit one out of the park with GODSEND. The emotional pull and feels of this book is huge.

Scott is reeling from the death of his best friend and wife Shelly. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for him. How could she have left him, when they still had time. After a year of becoming a hermit, Shelly's father comes and take Scott to a grief support group....kicking and screaming.

But when he walks in and sees Chris...there is something there...something that he hasn't felt in a long time.

Sloan does a great job of getting into the characters heads. Laced with some narration from Shelly through out, this book will take you on a roller coaster of a ride.

4.5 stars.
I promised Ma that I wouldn’t drink my dinner every night, but some days, it’s impossible to keep that promise. I tell myself that it’s different on days like today because I’m not drinking to forget how much I miss Jill, I’m drinking to forget how miserable some people choose to make one another. Today, I just about lost it and told one couple that there’s no point in them even trying to get along. Unfortunately, my partner frowns upon me telling couples that sometimes two people just aren’t meant to be together, as was this case with this pair.

 It takes a minute for my eyes to adjust to the dark atmosphere of Brewster’s after walking around for thirty minutes trying to tell myself I didn’t need a drink. I find an empty seat at the end of the bar and signal the bartender for my usual. Okay, so maybe Ma had a point since he simply nods and has a tall whiskey sour sitting in front of me in less than a minute.

I look around, the same way I do every night, wondering if this town will ever start to feel like home. It’s a nice enough place, but there’s a definite divide between those who are from here and those who move here at some point in their lives.

I sit a bit straighter when I see Scott, the quiet, broody guy from group, sitting at one of the high top tables in the center of the room. He looks absolutely miserable. When I catch a glimpse of his date for the evening, Adrian the annoying twink who thinks he’s God’s gift to all gay men in town, the annoyance radiating off Scott is understandable.

I nurse the first drink, rather than down it as quickly as possible. I’ve wanted to talk to Scott the past few weeks, but he’s ducked out as soon as the official meeting ends, even though Jim hangs around for a while. I’ve considered following him when he leaves, to see if I can talk to him, but then I tell myself that he must have his reasons for not wanting to deal with people and I have to respect that.

I feel like a creep, watching Adrian and Scott eating dinner, but I can’t help it. A few times, I’ve thought Scott was checking me out the same way I have been him and this is the first confirmation I have that I might be right. Scott excuses himself from the table and Adrian reaches out for him as he walks away. I laugh when Scott practically jumps back to keep from being part of an awkward and unwelcome embrace.

Once he’s in the restroom, I order another drink before putting a five-dollar bill in the jukebox. I don’t give a shit about the music, but it’s the closest I can get to Scott without following him into the bathroom, which is a level of creepy that I can’t imagine stooping to.

Sloan Johnson is a big city girl trapped in a country girl’s life. While she longs for the hustle and bustle of New York City or Las Vegas, she hasn’t yet figured out how to sit on the deck with her morning coffee, watching the deer and wild turkeys in the fields while surrounded by concrete and glass.

When she was three, her parents received their first call from the principal asking them to pick her up from school. Apparently, if you aren’t enrolled, you can’t attend classes, even in Kindergarten. The next week, she was in preschool and started plotting her first story soon after.

Later in life, her parents needed to do something to help their socially awkward, uncoordinated child come out of her shell and figured there was no better place than a bar on Wednesday nights. It’s a good thing they did because this is where she found her love of reading and writing. Who needs socialization when you can sit alone in your bedroom with a good book?

Now, Sloan is a tattooed mom with a mohawk and two kids. She’s been kicked out of the PTA in two school districts and is no longer asked to help with fundraisers because she’s been known to lose herself with a good book and forget she has somewhere to be.