I’ve lived scrupulously, loved greatly, and shared my blessings equitably. But life hasn’t been fair with me. Now I’m drowning in the middle of the ocean, desperately searching for the shore, surrendering to the fact that I will never be happy. Then he came along.
Life is unpredictable.
You can play it safe and resist change for fear of the unknown. Or you can close your eyes and take the leap with the knowledge that your life will change forever.
Which one will I choose?
My name is Jade Richmond and this is my story.
Release Date: June 16, 2014

Christine Brae is a full time career woman who thought she could write a book about her life and then run away as far as possible from it. She never imagined that her words would touch the hearts of so many women with the same story to tell. Insipid, her third book, is due to be released in June of 2014.
When not listening to the voices in her head or spending late nights at the office, Christine can be seen shopping for shoes and purses, running a half marathon or spending time with her husband and three children in Chicago.
It's a very unique cover. With the model in the top (her eyes are gorgeous btw) and the butterfly in the bottom. I'm curious about the blurb, can't wait to see what kind of reviews that will come for her book