hosted by: The Book Avenue

Fresh from an idyllic honeymoon along the Italian coast, the Blackstones prepare for the birth of their precious baby and the challenges of settling into a new home. But things get complicated when specters from the past reappear to threaten the very foundation of their relationship. Ethan and Brynne will have to fight harder than ever for each other. Rare and Precious Things is the story of two people who both need the other in order to be complete, but learn just how "rare" their brand of love is when they have to risk everything in order to hold onto it.
Rare and Precious Things is the book that everyone has been on pins and needles waiting for. We finally see Ethan and Brynne married and awaiting the arrival of their little peach. RaPT gives you an amazing mixture of books one through three. You have the excitement, the romance, the anxiety and anticipation of what is next. We see more of that raw love and emotions from Ethan that we aren't use to seeing from him. Even though they are living in their happily ever after, its not a smooth ride.
Once again, Raine Miller has given her fans the perfect present that is encompassed in The Blackstone Affair. Although this is last in the series that we know of, Ethan, Brynne and baby peaches will forever live in my heart.
I am a worrier. I worry about Brynne. I will worry about my child. I want to keep everyone safe and happy, and yet I know that sometimes shit happens that is not nice, and people do get hurt, or sick, or tragedy strikes. In my line of work, I know this all too well, but I also know my family will always come first before anything else.
2. Whats the biggest thing Brynne has said or done to you that has made you love her even more, and what do you think Brynne would answer to the same question about you?
Brynne really was the first woman who cared about ME as a person. She was able to see the good in me, and brought me to a place where I wanted more out of life than just the shallowness I was living before her. She also loves me in spite of all my flaws. Brynne would probably say that I taught her how to learn to trust.
3. How do you see your life had you and Brynne never met?
A very empty, and lonely one.
4. How do you see yourself acting in the delivery room?
Like a fuckin’ idiot in a total panic. Thank Christ Brynne is so level-headed and calm.
5. Ethan, you and Brynne have so much chemistry together..we feel your love and connection together......did you recognize this from the moment you first saw a picture of her?
I just knew I had to meet her in person. But when she walked into the gallery, though—that was a defining moment for me. The way she looked at me from across the room was different and did something to me inside. I knew there was nothing that would stop me from meeting her. NOTHING.
6. Ethan, what is the most important life lesson you have learned from your father Jonathan that you want to pass down to your children?
My father taught me many things and is a man I respect more than any other, but mostly he taught us to own up to our choices, and to follow our hearts.
7. Ethan, do you wish you would have told Brynne that her father had hired you to watch over her a hell of a lot sooner?
All the time. I don’t know what I was doing in not telling her. I was a fuckin’ moron.
8. Ethan, how are you going to deal with staying away from Brynne during her postpartum recovery period?
*rolls eyes* (probably not very well)
Raine Miller has been reading romance novels since she picked up that first Barbara Cartland book at the tender age of thirteen. And it's a safe bet she'll never stop, because now she writes them too! Granted Raine's stories are edgy enough to turn Ms. Cartland in her grave, but to her way of thinking, a hot, sexy hero never goes out of fashion. A part-time teacher and writer of sexy romance stories every other chance she gets pretty much fills her days. She has a handsome prince of a husband, and two brilliant sons to pull her back into the real world if the writing takes her too far away. Her sons know she likes to write stories, but gratefully have never asked to read any, thank God! Raine loves to hear from readers and to chat about the characters in her books.
Blackstone Affair spin-off, yet can be a standalone
Beautiful trailer, loved the book. Love Ethan Blackstone and his beautiful American girl!