Uncertain of what she should do, she decides to give fate a chance, opening her heart to Mac, who just wants to love her.
But the past, who often times takes no prisoners, rears its ugly head in a double dose. Mac’s ex-girlfriend cannot accept that their love affair is over and takes drastic measures through deception and blackmail to ensure that Mac will be hers.
Natalie, on the other hand, has to face the one responsible for her sister’s death. As her journey begins to bring justice and closure, the past transports to her feet an unexpected surprise—a long lost love desiring to posses her as his once again.
Will Mac and Natalie’s newly blossoming love be able to endure what the past has delivered or will the victors of their hearts be the old flames who are staking their claim?
I have always had a passion for reading my entire life. I love it so that I dedicated my life to educating children. As a teacher, I have had the profound pleasure of teaching children to read and explore their imaginations through a good book. Just recently I decided to write a story that had been on my mind. Now I have several that I want to turn into additional books. Writing has become a passion that I dearly love.
I live with my handsome husband in Southern California. We enjoy the relaxed lifestyle that California provides. We have two beautiful dogs, but on children.
20 Fun Facts About Carlie Sexton:
- I was born in Louisiana. Still consider myself a Southern Belle, even though I have lived in California longer.
- I never eat lima beans because they remind me of stink bugs.
- In high school, my favorite sport in P.E. was archery.
- My toes are always painted.
- I lived in Hawaii from 5-9 years old. Learned to hula then.
- I’m technically challenged and didn’t send my first text until August~2013.
- I met my hubby at a church singles group.
- When writing the Killer Next Door series, I watched all of the Dexter episodes in about a month!
- My favorite color is purple, but I only have 2 purple items in my closet.
- I have 2 dogs. One whines and one groans to get my attention.
- My hubby is complicated and I modeled Neil after his assertive side and Mac after his perceptive, nurturing side.
- My favorite super hero is Wonder Woman.
- I’m addicted to mint chocolate chip ice cream.
- I became a teacher at 35.
- My hair is naturally curly, but I straighten it.
- My favorite wine is Moscato.
- I never played Scrabble until I was in my 30’s.
- In college I drove a Camaro.
- I love decorating and my home has an Italian flare to it.
- I eat an apple and a pear every day.
Closing the door behind me, I was grateful to be back in my own room. Peeling out of my clothes, I quickly got into the shower. It felt like an oasis, the water caressing my body. Thoughts of Mac and I in bed were coming back to me like rapid fire from a machine gun. These thoughts startled me as my body began to respond to the pictures in my mind. Mac knew his way around a female’s body and it certainly felt as though he had pulled out all the stops with me. When I closed my eyes I could visualize his head between my legs. The memory of it made my insides clench down deep. Then I remembered the culmination of his efforts and my body’s response in a tantalizing orgasm. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced before.
I had to push those thoughts out of my head because the whole situation was crazy. We got married, and he didn’t seem to be taken aback by it. In fact, he was calm about the whole thing. Strange reaction for a guy. I felt kind of bad for running out of there like I did, but when I fell on him, things became real—too real. I began remembering in that moment our intimate interaction, and for a split second, I thought about surrendering to my desire for him. Again. Willingly. While sober. If I had, we’d be in bed together, and he’d be doing…
The one thing that can be guaranteed when reading a Carlie Sexton book is that you will be on the edge of your seat while reading. Beholden to You is a stand alone spin off from the Killer Next Door Series.
This book is fast paced and gets you right into the story. There is no waiting around to see how they connect...it's like boom - within the first 10% you are emerged into the storyline. Natalie and Mac are connected with their tragic pasts. There is love, suspense, anger, angst and romance all in one. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a heart stopping, tear your heart apart romance. Four Stars.
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