The voices inside, the ones declaring her worth, deem her broken, used and dirty. She is an object. A toy. Something to be tossed aside when bored. Who will believe her if she whispers the truth about her wrecking ball of a family?
Eventually, her secret explodes and the person who means the most to her knows just how shattered she is and why she's so afraid.
But rescue is closer than she realizes. Hidden in plain sight, her horror hasn’t been ignored by everyone. Racing against the truth of what she faces, forces are joining together and developing a plan to free her from the hell in her own backyard. And while she’s at her lowest point, she’s hit with the beauty of love at any cost - redemption in the face of ruin.
Will it be enough?
This was a book about hope, about the strength of a girl who really should have never survived. This is a book that will open your eyes, tear at your heart and wish you could step in to help save this soul. It was a tough book for me to get through. I had to take breaks, I had to think and feel. It was an important book. About the will to survive, about trusting when you have lost everything. And for many girls, its a true story.
This is not a light read but a book that everyone should read. There is a surprise twist near the end that thrown me for a loop but all and all a great book and everyone should read.

This sounds really good. Thank u for the giveaway.