Gothic outcast Natalie
Sugarman bartered her soul for her dying mother’s life sixteen years ago
to a boy demon that could stop time. Now, days before her twenty-first
birthday, the lifelines on her palms are slowly vanishing, and she knows
it’s just a matter of time before Satan’s little helper collects.
Natalie's tried numerous times to kill the demon and regain control of her soul’s destiny, but she always falls short. When she decides to try and gain the element of surprise for her next attempt, Natalie seeks answers about his location from a freaky, glowing-eyed fortuneteller. Creeped out by the psychic’s methods, she bolts from the reading and misses the warning that the demon who stole her soul is always closer than she thinks.
After some strange incidents with her new boyfriend, including a hot, levitating sex session, she realizes he’s the grown-up version of her little nightmare and he’s returned to collect on their deal. Natalie must figure out how to win her soul back from the demon before her lifeline completely disappears and she becomes his forever—even if that means making a deal to damn three other souls to take her place.
*Demon At My Door is a New Adult Paranormal Romance with very mature scenes*
I want to welcome Michelle Valentine to my blog. I have to be honest; I was kinda nervous about reading a paranormal book. I must say that I absolutely loved Demon at My Door!
Thanks! I’m glad you gave it a shot. I know many of my
readers don’t know that side of me yet, so I am so glad you all have welcomed
the paranormal side of me with open arms.
You wrote this book back in 2009. Why such a long wait in
releasing it?
This book has been in a few agent and editor hands. It went
through the normal process of traditional publishing in 2009 and 2010, and when
it didn’t get picked up, it got shelved. Like most authors, when giving up on a
book, we move on. I’ve written a few more books since this one and chose to
publish my latest work, Rock the Heart, first because that was my project at
the time.
What was your inspiration for writing DAMD?
The idea of someone choking with only a small child to
assist them is a crazy thought in itself, yet somehow, my brain took it to
another level.
Rick and Natalie had such a magnetic pull on me. I really
rooted for everything to work out for them. Even though the story ended in a
way that wrapped DAMD up nicely, are you planning on a second book to continue
their story? (Please say yes, please say yes!)
Yes! There has to be one more book in their story to tie up
all the loose ends I left in book one.
The Indie Author circles are tight and extremely supportive.
How does that affect your writing?
I have some really great friends as authors. Emily Snow,
Kelli Maine and I all took the Indie leap together, so it’s been great having
them as a support system. I couldn't/wouldn't do it without them.
So what is up next for you?
Right now I am working on Rock My Bed, which is the next
book in the Black Falcon series. The novel centers on Riff and Aubrey, and
right now I’m in love with them both. They are such fun characters to write
about and the book is alternating points of view, so you get inside both of
their minds. I can’t wait for you guys to dig in to it. After that I plan to
work on a novel called Torturous Kisses. It’s a contemporary story about a
nurse and an ex-con bad boy and I’m excited to work on that next.
Thank you so much Becca for reading Demon at My Door and
letting me kidnap your blog today!
Want to get a sneak peek into the book? Here's a little teaser:

I'm not going to lie. I wasn't all gung-ho about reading Demon At My Door. When my friend Christine suggested it, I told her I just didn't know if I would enjoy it. I am not a big paranormal reader. I've tried before, time and time again, only having ever gotten through one paranormal series (and not the one you are thinking of, but R.L. Mathewson's Pyte/Sentinal Series). Christine told me that I just needed to give it a chance. I had read Rock the Band by Michelle, so I knew that I really liked her work. So I started to read. And then I read some more. By the time I got to Chapter Two, I was hooked! It was intriguing, funny, suspenseful and I didn't want to put the book down! I was totally drawn into Natalie and her conflict between choosing the two guys she was so drawn to. By the time I finished the book, I was craving more of Natalie, Rick and even Stewart! I would so recommend this book to EVERYONE! And right now, this FANTASTIC book is only 99 cents. YES!!! Only 99 pennies and you can get a great read. I would even recommend buying it for 10 of your closest friends. So that is what I am going to do. Giveaway will only last for today - so hurry and enter. Ten lucky readers will get this book from me!
I so love Michelle and all her incredible books she is so freak!!! talented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!