Friday, January 30, 2015

Sneak Peak at Undeniable Love by Kelly Elliott - Prologue Reveal

Tristan Williams thought the path of his life was on the right journey. He had a successful career, good looks, and a carefree lifestyle. One conversation changed Tristan’s way of thinking forever as his father presented him with a bottle, representing his journey and forcing unwanted thoughts of a lasting relationship to the surface. Running from the fear of commitment, he pushed away the only woman he ever had feelings for and turned to the one girl he knew he didn’t love.

Ryn Webster was finally putting her past behind her. Moving to Texas and concentrating on the success of her own company, she had her life almost where she wanted it. One thing was missing though…love. She thought she had found love with Tristan until he casted her aside.

After being hurt by Tristan, Ryn does whatever she can to push him from her heart, even if it means being with a man she doesn’t love.

Regardless of the path one thinks they are on, the journey of life can cause unexpected turns, altering the planned course. Will Tristan and Ryn’s bottle be tossed about, lost in the rocky waves of life? Or will calm seas prevail to help Tristan and Ryn finally find their journey of love…together?


I had been sitting on the beach for the last hour just staring out at the black ocean. I tipped the beer bottle back and drank the last of my beer.

“Well hell. Looks like I have to go back,” I said as I got up and brushed the sand off my pants. I turned and looked back at the house. My brother Lark and his new wife, Azurdee had left two hours ago for their honeymoon and I couldn’t take watching Ryn another second.

I sucked in a deep breath of salty air and slowly let it out. My phone went off and I pulled it out of my pocket. I let out a deep breath when I saw it was Liberty.

Liberty: Just letting you know I’m thinking about you. If you want me to join you I’ll come down. Just text me back and I’ll be there.

Me: I think I just need some time to think, Liberty. We need this time apart.

Liberty: I didn’t mean to push you. I’m always pushing you, I know. I just really wanted to see your parents and would have loved to have seen the wedding but I understand you have your reasons for going alone. Things haven’t been so great with us lately. I’ll work on that. Promise.

Me: We’ll talk when I get back to Austin.

Liberty: Okay. I love you, Tristan.

I let out a sigh and shook my head. I’ve never told Liberty I loved her. I wasn’t sure anymore how I felt about her. We had been on and again and off again so many times I was beginning to lose count. Currently, we were off. All she had been doing is pushing an engagement ever since she found out Lark and Azurdee were getting married. When I thought of my future I didn’t see Liberty. I only saw ... Ryn. And that scared the piss out of me.

I turned my phone to silent and shoved it in my pocket. I started heading back to the house and began putting on my game face. The one I’d been wearing for the last ten months. The one where everyone thought I was happy, but deep down inside I was the unhappiest I’d ever been in my life.

I walked up the stairs to the deck and the first person I saw was Ryn. She was leaning against the railing with her head back and her eyes closed. There was no one else out here.

She looked tired. I smiled when I thought about what I had overheard earlier when Mom and Azurdee’s best friend, Jessie, were talking. Ryn had taken a two-week vacation and was renting a house on the beach just two houses down from here. I already began planning ways to ‘run in to her’ while we were both here.
She hadn’t talked to me in over ten months. No matter how many times I called and left her messages begging her to call me, she never would.
Her cell phone rang and she quickly answered it. I walked around to the other side of the deck and sat down to where she couldn’t see me.

“Hey, Dodge. Are you on your way? Yes. I thought I could, but I can’t. I need you.”
Dodge? Who the fuck is Dodge?
She laughed at something he said and then she let out a sigh. “Well, considering I still need my RFB, I’d say yes ... it’s been a sucky last three days.”
I peeked around the corner and saw her smiling. She reached her hand up and began playing with her nipple.
What the fuck?
“That sounds like heaven. Yes. I’m going to need it a lot. I don’t know, you’d think after all this time you’d have been able to fuck him out of my head and heart. Maybe you’re not as good as you think you are?”
My mouth dropped open and I quickly turned back and stared out in the night sky.
She laughed again and said, “I’m still at the wedding. Yes. It was hard to see him. I don’t know. Maybe, I’ve thought about that. Yes. I realize I only use you for sex to forget about Tristan, but maybe I’m falling for you and just want your company. You ever think of that?”

My heart started beating faster and I wanted to pound this asshole’s head in.

She let out a sigh and said, “Okay. I’ll see you then. Oh trust me. I’ll be waiting and I will most certainly be ready for you. Yes naked. Hey, Dodge? Hurry please. I need to be fucked in a bad way. Bye.”
She let out a sigh and then I swore I heard her crying. I slowly stood. She was looking out toward the ocean. Her shoulders were moving up and down and when I saw her wipe away her tears, my knees about buckled out from underneath me.
I started making my way toward her. I didn’t want to walk up on her crying, so I cleared my throat and asked, “May I join you?”

She quickly wiped her tears away and looked the other way. “It’s your house,” she whispered. “How have you been, Ryn?” She turned and looked at me. If looks could kill, I’d be on the floor right now.

“You’ve ignored me for three days and now you ask how I’ve been?”

I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I wasn’t sure you wanted to talk to me.” She let out a small laugh.

“Usually people attempt to talk to a person before they make that assumption.”

“Well, considering I’ve been calling you for months, and you ignore my calls—” She took a step back and shook her head.

A look of hurt moved across Ryn’s face as she slowly said, “You’re seeing ... another ... girl.”

“It’s not like that. We are kind of off and on. I mean ... I’m not seeing her right now.” She rolled her eyes before looking into mine.

“Do you have any idea how much you hurt me?”

My heart felt like it was physically hurting as I swallowed and said, “I just thought ... I wasn’t planning on—” I looked away and then back into her eyes. “I thought you just wanted to have fun, Ryn. Then you started acting different and I started having these feelings and ... I was confused.”

Anger replaced the hurt in her eyes. “The only thing that confused you is why you brought the wrong girl to meet mom and dad.”

She turned and began walking into the house. I wanted to call out for her but I couldn’t. My heart felt like it was squeezing in my chest as I stood there and listened to her retreating footsteps.

I turned and stared out at the dark ocean again. That’s what my heart felt like.A dark deep sea of ... darkness.

Kelly Elliott is married to a wonderful Texas cowboy who has a knack for making her laugh almost daily and supports her crazy ideas and dreams for some unknown reason...he claims it's because he loves her!
She’s also a mom to an amazing daughter who is constantly asking for something to eat while her fingers move like mad on her cell phone sending out what is sure to be another very important text message.
In her spare time she loves to sit in her small corner overlooking the Texas hill country and write.

One of her favorite things to do is go for hikes around her property with Gus....her chocolate lab and the other man in her life, and Rose, her golden retriever. When Kelly is not outside helping the hubby haul brush, move rocks or whatever fun chore he has in store for her that day, you’ll find her inside reading, writing or watching HGTV.

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Happy Release Day - Calia Read! Ruin You Completely

RUC Release Day Blitz Banner
Happy Release Day to Calia Read the third book in the Sloan Brothers series - RUIN YOU COMPLETELY! This is Mathias' story. Make sure to enter the giveaway below. Good luck! #sloanbrothers #MathiaWillRuinYouCompletely
ruin you completely2I met Mathias Sloan in a club.
I told him I was twenty-four. 
I told him my name was Olivia. 
I thought that I would have a one-night stand and be done with him. 
I didn’t know that he was my new piano instructor for the next six months… 
We would come together and fall apart. After him, every man was ruined. 
If I knew what I know now, I wouldn’t have walked to him. I would’ve turned and run… 

I looked back on my time with Mathias Sloan as an experience—one that couldn’t be dodged or ignored. He swept into my life like a hurricane, destroying everything in his wake. Because of him I learned that there’s a learning curve to love. Because of him I realized that there’s always that one person that destroys and sends you back into the world to fend for yourself. And it doesn’t matter how hard they hurt you. Whether you like it or not, the scars on your heart spell out their name. You will always remember them.

I knew I had to get this over with. Swallowing loudly, I opened the door. He turned around. And there he was. All six feet three inches of him.

Mathias Sloan.

 His hands were tucked into his jeans. His dirty blonde hair was cut short. A five o’clock shadow appeared on his face. I remembered what that stubble felt like against my neck. Tension was etched in his hazel eyes. He looked haggard, like he hadn’t slept in days. But it didn’t matter what he looked like; my heart beat against my chest, begging to burst, and reach for him.

 “Hi,” he said deeply. I gripped the doorknob so hard, my knuckles turned white. I tried to force words out of my mouth, but nothing would come out. I just stood there, staring at him with wide eyes.

 “Can we talk?” He nudged his head toward the cobblestone street behind him, and when he turned, the sunlight reflected on my ring. I quickly put my hand behind my back, but it was too late. His voice faded into nothing and his eyes clouded over. For a second, I saw fear. A flash of anger. And then, something that I never thought I’d see from Mathias: hurt.

Thousands of questions appeared in his eyes. The last thing I wanted to do was answer him; the longer I stood there the further I drifted from my fury. "I’m marrying him,” I blurted out. My voice was shaking. I knew if I stayed here, so close to him, I would crumble and I would be back at the beginning. Mathias took a step back, as if I’d punched him. He stared at me with hurt and accusation.

 “What did you do, Katja?”

RUC Release Day Teaser
Calia Read lives in Indiana with her husband and their four kids.
Book 1 - Every Which Way - Amazon | B&N
Book 2 - Breaking the Wrong - Amazon | B&N
Book 3 - Ruin You Completely - Amazon | B&N

COVER REVEAL: Losing Her by Mariah Dietz

Release Date: March 1

“I loved her and she left. Maybe I wasn’t enough. Maybe I’ll never be enough.” I’ve been thinking these words since before we even got together.
Everything is new. The old no longer has a place here. Physical items are easy to replace. I'm constantly battling the ones that aren't.
Every thought and memory I have is stained.
By you.
You weren't even there for half of them.
How is she still present even though she left?
I can do this. I’m going to survive losing her.

*** This is the second book of the His Series, and it DOES end with a cliffhanger. The final book of the His Series, Finding Me, will release June 1, 2015***

“Dude, you’ve got to get up.” Jameson sighs as I pull the pillow back over my head. I don’t even know what day it is anymore. I don’t care.

What adds salt to my wounds is the fact that the world keeps turning. People continue waking up and going about their day. The sun rises and sets. I hear kids laugh and play, neighbors greet one another, and birds sing, and all the while I wonder how? How does the entire world appear to be surviving this nightmare of losing her? 


Hank comes to visit in June. I still haven’t heard from Ace, and yet I’m still staying at my mom’s. I can’t leave. I can’t go back to that house. I’d moved rooms shortly after she left, and now reside in the guest room on the main floor. It’s better this way. There aren’t any pictures of her in here or random memories, like the one of her sitting on my bean bag chair when I was sick last summer. I also don’t have to face the window that looks out onto hers.

Hank knows that I know mom sent for him, hoping that he’d be able to “help” me. She of all people should know that having Hank around isn’t going to help me. He’s fucking married to the love of his life; he doesn’t have a fucking clue about the shit that I’m going through.

Of all things, Hank wants to go camping. I’m sure he thinks that getting away will help. He doesn’t understand that moving rooms has helped me realize I could go to Antarctica, and things wouldn’t change; the distance isn’t going to make the pain any less.

When we get camp set up, Hank opens a cooler and passes me a beer with a giant, shit-eating grin, like we’ve just overcome a huge hurdle. Deciding that I shouldn’t rain on his little douchebag tea party quite yet, I accept the beer with merely a grimace before taking a long swig. Before long, that single swig becomes a chug, and then a guzzle as I consume more alcohol than what three people probably should.
I sit by the fire and close my eyes. My mind automatically reaches back into that locked and forbidden drawer to pull out the image of Ace, striving to recall the sound of her laugh, the feel of her touch. It brings me back to our camping trip last September, when Jameson announced that was what he wanted to do for his birthday.

Mariah Dietz lives in Eastern Washington with her husband and two sons that are the axis of her crazy and wonderful world.

Mariah grew up in a tiny town outside of Portland, Oregon, where she spent the majority of her time immersed in the pages of books that she both read and created.

She has a love for all things that include her sons, good coffee, books, travel, and dark chocolate. She also has a deep passion for the stories she writes, and hopes readers enjoy the journeys she takes them on, as much as she loves creating them.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

UNCOVER ME (The Men of Ink Book 4) by Chelle Bliss


I lost track of my life.

Spiraling down the rabbit hole, I lost myself and became one of them. Living undercover within the MC, the days bled together as I became absorbed in a life of excess and violence. Becoming consumed was easy. Was I Thomas Gallo, good guy and respected cop or Blue, Sergeant-at-Arms of the Sun Devils MC? Before, I could answer with certainty. But now, there’s a darkness that has settled deep in my soul, fusing with my heart and altering my reality forever. The road I’ve traveled has been paved with danger, death, and deception. Roxanne grew up as part of the MC, a victim of her birth. Her life has been treacherous, setting her on a course of torment and destruction. When our worlds collide, secrets are revealed. Trying to save us from damnation, I fight for redemption and the woman I love.  
 We finally get Thomas' story and it does not disappoint.

Thomas Gallo has been deep undercover in the Sun Devils MC club for too long. After seeing his sister, almost blowing his cover...Thomas is ready to go home.

But even if he could, would he ever be able to escape the life that has become second nature to him. Causing the lines to be blurred? Or more importantly walk away from the one woman who has been his center during the entire ordeal?

This is book 4 in the Men of Inked Series, about a family of 5 (4 men and their sister) siblings and their lives. This book is definitely a grittier story than the previous Men of Ink Stories. Chelle doesn't disappoint by bringing us the fun of the family dinners with the Gallo's to help lighten the mood. This is series is full of hot alpha men and the women that standup to and support their men (and woman).

4.5 Stars

Purchase Uncover Me

BlissUSA Today bestselling author Chelle Bliss is an American author who writes stories about real-life scenarios with fantasy Alpha males. Her works include humor as well as steamy sex. Website | Facebook | Twitter
Do you like pierced and tatted ALPHAS? You need to read the Men of Inked series!
The Gallos (FREE) ~ Prequel: 
Throttle Me (99 cents) ~ Book 1:  
Hook Me ~ Book 2:  
Throttled (99 cents)~ Book 3: 
Resist Me ~ Book 4: 
Resisting (99 cents) - 
Uncover Me ~ Book 5:

Jillian Dodd has a Birthday Present for You!

It's Jillian Dodd's birthday 
 she has a present for you! 

For ONE WEEK ONLY, you can get the entire Keatyn Chronicles - SEVEN BOOKS - for 99 cents!

Keatyn has a life most girls would dream of.
She's the daughter of America's favorite actress. Has a closet full of designer clothes. A Malibu beach house. The hottest boyfriend at school.
But the girl who seems to have everything isn’t happy with the direction of her life, so she makes a wish on the moon.
Follow Keatyn on her journey of discovering what's really important in life and love in this modern-day epic fairytale.
Because, sometimes, wishes do come true.

 Pick up the set for you own collection 
or gift to a friend. 


Keatyn has everything she ever dreamed. Her life is following the script she wrote for the perfect high school experience. She's popular, goes to the best parties, dates the hottest guy, and sits at the most-coveted lunch table.

She's just not sure she wants it anymore.

Because, really, things aren't all that perfect.
Her best friend is threatening to tell everyone her perfect relationship is a scam.

Her perfect boyfriend gets drunk at every party they go to. 

It's exhausting always trying to look and act perfect.
And, deep down, she isn't sure if she has any true friends.

To add to the drama, her movie star mom has a creepy stalker.
A hot, older man flirts with her and tells her they should make a movie together.

And she's crushing on an adorable surfer. Dating him would mean committing social suicide.

So she writes a new script. One where all the pieces of her life will come together in perfect harmony. 

But little does she know, there's someone who will do anything to make sure that doesn't happen.

KISS ME - Book 2

I've always written scripts for my perfect life.
But no way could I have ever scripted this.
My life is so far from perfect, it’s not even funny.
All because of a stalker.

I’m at a boarding school where I have to lie about who I am.
I can’t see my family.
I’m tutoring a Hottie God that tortures me with his smile.
The most popular girl already hates me.
But there’s this boy.
This hot, sweet, sexy boy.
So I’m going to stop trying to script my life and just live it.
Because who knows how long I have left.

DATE ME - Book 3

I’m not scripting my life anymore.
I’m living it.
I’m done with the God of all Hotties.
I’m going to give my heart to the boy who I think deserves it.
The boy whose kisses are hotter than molten lava.
The boy who offered me the key to his heart.
The boy who asked me to Homecoming in a big, sexy way.

There are so many things to look forward to.
Parties at the Cave. Homecoming festivities. Drama Tryouts. Shopping trips to NY.

But things aren’t always as perfect as they seem.
I find out that my best friend has been keeping a secret from me.
Not that I can blame him.
I have secrets too.
But, for now, I’m going to pretend I’m just a normal girl.
I’m going to pretend he’s not still out there.
I’m going to pretend he’s not getting desperate.
I’m going to pretend I’ll never see him again.
But, I will.
And this time, I might not get away.
LOVE ME - Book 4
My mom says that you can’t love someone until you learn to love yourself.
So even though Vincent is getting more and more scary.
Even though he’s doing a nationwide search for me.
I’m going to learn to love myself.

Well, I’m going to try.
Mostly, I want a boy to love me.
But which one?

Dawson - The gorgeous boy who made a mistake, but whose molten lava kisses and steaminess I can’t freaking resist.
Aiden - The God of all Hotties, who is practically infused with love potion. Who I thought liked me, but now says he wants to be my friend.
Brooklyn - The boy that first stole my heart. Who has always loved me. Well, until the whole cabana incident.

I mean, it was bad enough when there was sort of a love triangle, but now that I’m talking to B again, it’s like I’m in a love rectangle, or a rhombus, or something.

Oh, and did I mention Cooper Steele?
The new soccer coaching, health teaching, tattooed hunk?
Who Garrett sent to school to guard my body.
I mean, be my bodyguard.

But back to loving me.
I should forget about boys and worry about me.
Love me.
Like, eventually. ME - Book 4.5 (Novella)

I’ve finally become the kind of girl my little sisters could look up to.
Except for the lies.
Lying to my friends is killing me.
And the longer I’m there—the closer we get—the more I feel like I’m being eaten from the inside out.
If I go back to Eastbrooke, I’ll end up nothing but a shell.
So I'm not going back.
I'm going to St. Croix by myself. And for the first time in my life, I'm okay with being alone.

Except...I don't actually end up on the island alone.

HATE ME - Book 5
I was told if I went away, he'd forget about me, lose interest, and move on.

But he hasn't.

In fact, my being gone has only made things worse.

So it's time for me to take matters into my own hands.

It's time for me to fight back.

Hey, Vincent. You ready for a little chaos?
GET ME - Book 6

Will Keatyn get her life back?
And if she does, which life will she choose?


I’m a sucker for romance and write romantic stories. My first book, That Boy, was published in May 2011, and the sequel, That Wedding, in February 2012. I married my very own prince charming over 20 years ago, and he still makes me melt.

I love anything sparkly, hot pink, or bright orange. I’m hoping to have a midlife crisis soon, so I can justify the purchase of a hot pink car with thick black racing stripes. I love to paint, doodle, draw, design interiors, rearrange furniture, cheer for my Huskers, cook, entertain, and shop for shoes. I’m addicted to diet coke, Donald Pliner shoes, reading, and buffalo wing popcorn.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New Cover Reveal - The Beachwood Bay Series by Melody Grace

Discover the passion and romance of Beachwood Bay …
With over one million downloads worldwide, this USA Today bestselling series is celebrating with ten gorgeous new covers, three fabulous freebies and a fantastic giveaway with five signed paperbacks from Melody Grace up for grabs!
“Sexy, sweet, and swoon-worthy.
- Emily Snow, NYT Bestselling author
Check out the series with these novellas - NOW FREE!
"Sizzling hot and super emotional - the perfect combo!"
- New York Times and USA Today bestselling Lauren Blakely
Each Beachwood Bay love story can be read as standalone or as part of the series.
Fall in love with The Callahans and the small town of Beachwood Bay.

“Mom always told me there are two kinds of love in this world: the steady breeze, and the hurricane. Emerson Ray was my hurricane…” After four years away, Juliet is back in Beachwood Bay — but her old love is determined to rekindle their passion.

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Years ago, Brit and Hunter shared one life-changing night together,
but Brit walked away before he could break her heart.
Now Hunter's back in town, their reckless passion can't be ignored.
But will dark secrets tear apart their new beginning?

Carina McKenzie is fleeing from her past. Garrett Sawyer isn’t looking to be to be anyone’s savior. Together, they might just heal old wounds and build a new a new future future together.  

AmazonBarnes & Noble iTunes      

One week with a rock-star: no rules, no limits…
Trying to get over her unrequited love,
Alicia accepts rock-star Dex Callahan’s sexy deal.
But when the week is up, will their passion survive?


 No more bad boys. Tegan Callahan isn’t looking for love — but Ryland James is looking for her. He’s everything she doesn’t want, but he might just be exactly what she needs.

 AmazonBarnes & NobleiTunes      

melody grace 

Melody Grace is the New York Times bestselling author of the Beachwood Bay series. A small-town girl turned SoCal beach lover, after spending her life with her nose in a book, she decided it was time she wrote one herself. She loves steamy romance novels, happily-ever-afters, and lusting after fictional menfolk. She lives in LA with her two kittens, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers

Enter to win a set of Beachwood Bay paperbacks! One grand prize-winner will receive signed copies of Unbroken, Unafraid, Unconditional, Uninhibited, and Unstoppable.