Dear Tabitha is BOOK TWO in the Forever Family Series. Dear Emily should be read FIRST as this is NOT a standalone book.
You know me. You know who I am. What I am.
Damaged. Confused. Alone.
You feel sorry for me. You pity me.
You know what I’ve done. What I’ve given up. Who I’ve given up.
You try to understand what I’ve been through and how I can go on with my life. But you can’t possibly understand.
I’ve lost too much. Sacrificed too much. Given up everything so that I can find myself.
Well, I’m done.
I’m done walking away from everything that matters.
It’s time for me to heal.
It’s MY TURN to earn…
“Dear Tabitha” is the second book in the “Forever Family” series. This is book 2 of 2 and concludes the story that began in "Dear Emily". It is NOT a standalone story and is meant to be read after Dear Emily.
Other books in this series will be companion/standalone and will explore the lives of various characters introduced throughout these books.
Trudy has a way of grabbing you in with her wonderfully woven
storytelling. It will hold onto your heart and not let go. Another
amazing tale by Trudy that had me crying both tears of sorrow and joy.
A beautiful love story about redemption and finding yourself.
I highly recommend this series to everyone. Dear Emily was one of my top reads for last year
with Dear Tabitha high among by top reads for 2014 too.

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